Nana bags are limited run and one-of-a-kind handbags, all designed and produced, with love and pride, in South Carolina, USA. Our bags marry carefully curated fabrics and leathers with clean and modern silhouettes. We use end-bolts of fabrics and leather "seconds" in many of the bags we create. The incorporation of these high-quality, but otherwise wasted, materials allows us to offer a product that is not only well-made but also created with an environmental conscience. We choose to purchase materials in small quantities to ensure that each collection we design remains truly unique. We especially love working with vintage materials that tell a story.
Sally Peek is the creator of Nana. She started her handbag business in 2007 after a Saturday sewing class and several months of non-stop experimentation. From the start, she gravitated toward vintage-inspired textiles and trims so she decided to name the business after her great-grandmother, Nana. She enjoys the creative freedom that running a small business allows. Being mindful of her imprint on the earth and the connection she has with her community are what give her the most pride in her work.